How To Audit And Cleanup Your Workflows In HubSpot

Shantha Kumar

Shantha Kumar

June 7, 2024

How To Audit And Cleanup Your Workflows In HubSpot

Accumulating marketing assets like workflows in your HubSpot tool is inevitable. Whether it's a predecessor who created workflows for lead nurturing, sales notifications, operational processes, and data cleanup or a team of marketers who have been too busy or lazy to remove outdated ones, your workflows app can quickly become cluttered. This clutter can interfere with daily efficiency and hinder productivity.

You may have even created a workflow yourself, named it poorly, and now can't recall its purpose or why it's still there. Don't worry; cleaning up workflows is a straightforward task that every marketer should perform regularly. Think of it as necessary maintenance to enhance efficiency, eliminate clutter, and concentrate on essential resources that help you work better. Here are a few ways to clean up your workflows:

1. Audit Your Workflows Regularly

Set aside time on a monthly or quarterly basis to review all your workflows. This regular audit will help you keep track of what's active, what's outdated, and what can be improved. During the audit, ask yourself:

  • What is the purpose of this workflow?
  • Is it still relevant to current campaigns or processes?
  • Are there any redundancies or overlaps with other workflows?

2. Document Your Workflows

Ensure every workflow is well-documented. Include its purpose, the criteria it uses, and the expected outcomes. This documentation can be invaluable when auditing your workflows or when someone new joins the team. Clear documentation helps in understanding each workflow’s role and can simplify the decision-making process when determining whether to keep, modify, or delete a workflow.

3. Use Descriptive Naming Conventions

Adopt a clear and consistent naming convention for your workflows. Names should reflect the workflow's purpose and status, such as "Lead_Nurture_Q2_2024" or "Sales_Notification_Active". This practice makes it easier to identify and manage workflows at a glance.

4. Archive Old Workflows

HubSpot allows you to archive workflows that are no longer in use but that you might want to refer to later. Archiving helps reduce clutter in your main workflow view without permanently deleting potentially useful information.

5. Delete Unnecessary Workflows

If a workflow is completely outdated or redundant, don’t hesitate to delete it. Before doing so, ensure that it’s not being used in any current processes. Deleting unnecessary workflows declutters your workspace and improves system performance.

6. Consolidate Where Possible

Look for opportunities to consolidate similar workflows. If multiple workflows are serving the same or similar purposes, consider merging them into a single, more efficient workflow. This not only simplifies management but also ensures consistency in your processes.

7. Test and Optimize

Regularly test your workflows to ensure they are functioning as intended. Use HubSpot’s workflow history and performance tools to identify any issues or inefficiencies. Optimize workflows based on these insights to maintain their effectiveness and alignment with your goals.

By following these steps, you can maintain a streamlined and efficient workflow in HubSpot. Regular auditing and cleanup not only improve your overall efficiency but also ensure that your workflows are always aligned with your current marketing strategies and business objectives. Happy organizing!

Shantha Kumar
Shantha Kumar

Kumar is a Digital Marketer with 28 years of international experience. He has specific expertise in consulting, designing and implementing technology driven, Inbound Marketing Solutions. Aside from writing our blogs, he practices yoga, loves to trek, travel, and read biographies. He is believer of traditional Indian medicines and healing methods.