How to generate daily to-do lists for teams on HubSpot

Venu Gopal Nair

Venu Gopal Nair

June 10, 2024

How to generate daily to-do lists for teams on HubSpot


It helps to know what the tasks are for the day at work. When they are completed, you feel like you have accomplished something. Some of them are what you want to achieve. Some involve monitoring the tasks you have assigned. It works at several levels.

A query was posted on the HubSpot community board. A sales manager wanted to have one place where she could see conversations she needed to respond to—especially emails, contacts/customers that had been newly assigned to her (or her team), team conversations that she could monitor, and any HubSpot tasks. 

So, the requirement was to generate to-do lists automatically based on some of the objectives or workflows that have been built into the system. While each person can generate their own to-do list (and they may have their own favourite app for this), doing this for the whole team needs some work.

The place to start

Jennifer Nixon has broken down the steps involved. From the dashboard, click Actions, then navigate to Add external content. Next, add the URL from the Tasks page. It can be a filtered view or any other view selected for the tasks.

Jacob OIle built on this further. He expanded on how you could bring in any linked views that you want (i.e., tasks due today, tasks due this week, overdue tasks). The more to-dos you can create as HubSpot tasks, the more this report will cover.

For contacts recently assigned, you can use the "Owner assigned date" property (more info in this HubSpot Knowledge Base article) paired with the "Contact Owner" property. Your report would look like this:

"Owner assigned date" = this week/month/etc.

AND "Contact owner" = [sales manager]

When a daily to-do list is generated based on team activities, it refines the tasks and work management and helps direct the necessary efforts.

That should pull in any contacts that were assigned to the sales manager within the given timeframe. Just keep in mind that contacts will no longer be pulled into the report once that time period passes. It may be worth having a longer-term report (maybe quarterly) that the sales manager can reference for a more aggregated view.

For one-to-one email tracking, this gets a little tricky. Start with the following default HubSpot reports:

  • Team activities by activity date
  • Activity feed timeline

Both of those reports will pull in recent sales activities (meetings, calls, tasks, one-on-one emails) and allow you to filter by date and user. Depending on your needs, that may be enough to track both team and individual activities.

Digital Marketing Powered by HubSpot- Part 2

You can also leverage the "Last contacted" property (more info in the same HubSpot Knowledge Base article). You could create a report like this:

"Last contacted" = more than 7 days ago

AND "Contact owner" = [sales manager]

That would pull in contacts that have not had a chat conversation, call, one-to-one email, meeting, or message logged on their contact record since the date in that property. You could then add any additional filters around contact type/lifecycle stage/lead status to refine the displayed contacts further.

Using the power of reports as action points


Dan Moyle, a HubSpot Advisor suggested that the additional reports already in HubSpot’s library could be used to generate the tasks.

  • Tasks incompletely assigned to me by the due date
  • Tasks incomplete assigned to all reps by activity date
  • Team activities by activity date

Each of these reports can be customized for specific users and teams (or at least, they should be). This can help with some of this "reporting" as well.

To get the best out of a HubSpot implementation, align as many internal processes and departments as possible. That helps drive both efficiency and collaboration.

This community discussion is useful in several ways because it highlights how much more can be achieved within HubSpot by making some smart tweaks. But the point here is that the information must already be set up in the required workflow for these tweaks to utilize the information in the first place.

Jacob Olle mentions several filters and contact properties in his solutions. The HubSpot setup should include the deal flows and CRM structure to take advantage of them.

Each company has a system of operations and reporting. Getting people to change involves convincing them of the efficiency that will result from the change. The first step is to ensure that the setup incorporates as many processes as the company is already used to following. That does help with quicker adoption and builds collaboration between departments.

Onboarding should go deep into company processes.

There is an introduction that familiarizes people with HubSpot's functions, but it is largely an overview. Each company should consider how much more can be done and use HubSpot to transform several departments within—from marketing and sales to services.

Blueoshan manages clients with CRM databases that span from a few thousand contacts to millions. More than the number of contacts in the CRM, understanding the links within the business drives results.

Spend time outlining the current processes and map the areas where HubSpot can add value. Blueoshan’s consultants will be able to examine where workflows and automation can cut time and effort as well as enable teams to improve collaboration.

At the heart of it is how business is generated and managed. Ideally, it should be a relay, with marketing and sales generating and converting leads and services, ensuring client satisfaction. 

The to-do list is an example of how a report can be repurposed to meet a completely different set of requirements that affect day-to-day management.

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Venu Gopal Nair
Venu Gopal Nair

Advertising and Branding Specialist, CEO - Ideascape Communications, A professional journey through the tumultuous years of advertising and communication, starting in 1984. Started out in the age of print, saw the changes with the entry of satellite TV and the momentous transition to digital. Advertising and branding today is vastly different from its practices in the 20th century and the last two decades have seen dramatic changes with smartphone domination. As a Creative Director turned CEO, making the transition personally and professionally has been a tremendous experience.